
Showing posts from July, 2011


Its nice to know that you actually said that you "missed" me, and to say thank you for still remembering me :) things has been so tough for me, and I cant believe that I've actually cried myself out for three times in a week. To be precise, is only within that four working days. Works has been tough for me, not only to handle the clients, but also in between the colleagues, between the superior, between the people. Ah... I wonder, is that what I really want, and is that all that really worth it? But when I come home and look at his smiles, and he's telling me, everything worth it, mummy! and I know you sure can do it. Yes. I need to be even tougher that I thought I can be. Missed those little fun that we used to have in those days, chit-chatting, sipping with different type of cocktails, and sharing the same thoughts of the different types of music. Those were the fun times that I would never forget. When the time when my aunt and myself walk...

baby oli in Muar - 2 July 2011



又好一阵子都没什么更新了。 是因为忙,也因为真的不知从何说起, 之前所发生的就好像真的一场梦。 梦也该是时候醒了。 要放下的也是时候放下了。 我真的好不想那么的“坚强”, 就只因为他们都以为我真的那么强, 什么都堆到我身上来了。 唉。好累。 哪又有谁了解。 之前都忙着工作,能做的, 我都想要做到最好。 能给朋友的,我都想付出在我范围以内的一份力量。 就只因为一个周末,我自己的离开, 他们就怪我这妈咪不负责任, 丢下宝宝和一个60岁的老人家在家。 说的是, 我让她幸苦了。 唉。爱莫能助。 老公从不真的体会,这才真的好伤, 说的是, 还是她照顾的是最好, 还是他们永远都最好。 他妈的。 想起来,我还真的好气。 不知什么时候,我才会有属于自己的天空。