
Showing posts from December, 2015

happy 10th anniversary - 30 December 2015

it's our 10th year been together. happy pak-tohing for the 10th anniversary! still remember on this day, that you suddenly held my hand in ah chuan's car, and eventually we'd been officially together, and you followed me for my dad's new year eve dinner on the next day! once started, everything moved on so quickly, after we'd known each other for 4years since 2000. it's almost end year of 2015! and cant' believe it was such like a dream, which awake me from a big slap, which made me understand my love, my sacrifices will continue to determine in this family. we will wait for you, or should say, I will wait for you. dear, happy anniversary, and love you, as always 30 December 2015

冬至快乐 - 22 December 2015

Happy Solstice to everyone! a year older, and a year wiser. What a great year of 2015. You & Me, we had grown, and we had learned. Wish the two of us, and our lovely kids, improving, and developing. we'll always love you


欲想放弃或破坏婚姻不如建设婚姻。 许多被大家看好的婚姻因为当事人漫不经心、吹毛求疵、急不可耐而可能很快就破碎了; 而那些在众人眼里并不被看好的 婚姻 , 因为两个人 用心 、细致、锲而不舍地经营,就如一棵纤弱的树, 后来居然能枝繁叶茂、郁郁葱葱。 可忍或可过的 婚姻 大抵也是如此,当事人稍一怠慢,它可能很快就会枯萎、凋零。 而双方如果用一种 积极 的 心态 去修补、保养、维护,也许奇迹就会发生。   有人说,静物是凝固的美,动景是流动的美;直线是流畅的美,曲线是婉转的美; 喧闹的城市是繁华的美,宁静的村庄是淡雅的美。生活中处处都有美, 只要你有一双发现美的眼睛,有一颗感悟美的 心灵 。 也许离婚对于某些人来说是一种解脱,但是离婚也并非是一种最佳的选择。 因为,它并不意味着离 理想 的 婚姻 更近一步。 美满的 家庭 生活需要悉心经营,我们不仅要爱家人,还要讲究爱的方式和技巧。    婚姻 则是一座花园,是需要 用心 呵护和耕耘的,如果随意对待, 花园内就会杂草丛生,一片荒芜。 而要想花园内四季风景怡人,花草鲜美, 你就要成为一个辛勤的园丁,精心地培育这块芳草地。 ㊣(编著:黄亚男,摘自:《现代阅读》自中国华侨出版社 《有一种 境界 叫放下有一种 心态 叫舍得有一种智慧叫 包容 大全集》感谢文字作者!, 感谢图片摄影作者!)